Two Sinplest way to hide/remove navigation bar from blogger.
Way 1: (New Method)
Here is the code:
Way 1: (New Method)
- Log in to your blogger account and select the Layout Tab of the blog which you want to modify.
- Select the tab page Template and then click on Template Designer tab. (please note: If you don't see "Template designer" tab please go to since this feature is in Beta stage)
- Select Advanced. scroll down the bar just right side of the link Advanced to Add CSS
- Now just paste the following code in the box and clike the button APPLY TO BLOG.
- Here is the code:
Way 2: (Old Method)/* CSS to hide navigation bar */
- Log in to your blogger account and select the Layout of the blog which you want to modify
- Select the tab page Template and then click on Edit HTML
- Search for the text body { in your template HTML code and paste the hack code snippet after the end of body { ... } element.
- That's all. From now onwards your blog will not display navigation bar.
Here is the code:
Disclaimer: way 2 is adapted from another blog I am thankful for that click here for the link to the original one./* CSS to hide navigation bar */
एक टिप्पणी भेजें
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