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Wordpress लेबल वाली पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

A rough Comparison between Blogger and Wordpress

Here is the rough comparison between Blogger (Blogspot) and Wordpress : Themes and customization: Blogger : You can edit template layouts , styles and colors, or install a third party theme. but the problem is the themes provided by blogger is slightly outdated or very simple. I you rely on a third party themes you can find a nice one. Wordpress : You cannot edit template at all. Style sheet editing is only available as a paid upgrade. Many of the 60+ themes let you upload a header image But one have additional customization options. Import: Blogger: Only from another BlogSpot blog. Wordpress: Import from Blogger, Yahoo! 360, Live·Journal, Type·Pad, Movable·Type or another WordPress blog. Image storage : Blogger : 1 Gigabyte free. There is no interface to browse through the images unless you sign up for Picasa Web Albums . You may additional storage from Google's Picasa Web Albums Wordpress: 3 Gigabytes. Paid upgrades are available to add more space. You can also...